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overall directory of hardware store literature.
categories include art, fiction, film/music/television, history (a kind of catch-all box), language (ditto), poetry, tools... — because things need to go somewhere.
year, category and author/name are sortable.


year category author / name title / memory-prompt excerpt or description links, summaries, &c.
1719    fiction, providence, deliverance Defoe, Daniel The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe / “the Carpenter’s Chest, which was indeed a very useful Prize to me” fiction
1827    history; language, lists Forbes, Charles P. The merchant’s memorandum and price book... particularly designed as a pocket memorandum for the country trader history
1855    history; retail genre Hunt, Freeman (1804-58) An Omnibus Store, in Hunt’s Merchant’s Magazine and Commercial Review, taken from The Philadelphia Merchant history
1875 ? fiction, humorous sketch anon. The Man Who Felt Sad / “Can you speak of hardware to me at a time such as this?” fiction
1888    language, instruction Stedman, T. L. and K. P. Lee At a Hardware Store, Lesson 22 in A Chinese and English Phrase Book in the Canton Dialect... language
1905    history; commercial travelers Crewdson, Charles N. Tales of the Road / “I went right up to the man’s store. You ought to have seen this place!” / J. J. Gould, illustrations history
1906    fiction, humorous Burgess, Gelett The Whaup and the Whimbrel / “Fancy romance in a hardware store! It’s impossible. It’s absurd!” fiction
1908    fiction (comedy of errors) Randall, F. J. Love and the Ironmonger / wholesale not retail; humor, romance fiction / review
1913    language, instruction Austin, Ruth The Hardware Store, Lesson 25 in Lessons in English for Foreign Women, For Use in Settlements and Evening Schools language
1917    fiction, humorous O. Henry (William Sydney Porter) Confessions of a Humourist / “Within a month I was turning out copy as regular as shipments of hardware.” fiction
1918    poetry Lowell, Amy The Landlady of the Whinton Inn Tells a Story / “...Funny name for a hardware store... But them things does happen...” poetry / hathitrust
1918    fiction, conduct-of-life Whitehead, Harold Dawson Black : Retail Merchant / hardware-oriented, each chapter a different business and personal lesson fiction / archive.org
1919    nails Bellucci, Giuseppe I chiodi nell’etnografia antica e contemporanea / historical and ethnographic study of nails tools
1920    fiction (short story) Hughes, Rupert The Stick-in-the-Muds / thwarted ambition. “Joel’s father was an editor; Luke’s kept a hardware store.” fiction / hathitrust
1921    poetry Anthony, Edward (1895-1971) A Hardware Romance, in Harper’s Magazine / “Luella Loranna O’Shaughnessy Firth / Is a clerk in a hardware store...” poetry
1921    language (marketing, shoes) Wallen, James Emotion in Advertising, in The Boot and Shoe Recorder / “One might not look for romance in the sombre aisles...” language
1925    memoir Norris, Kathleen Noon / I had a position in a hardware establishment at thirty dollars a month... But they were terrible years... fiction / hathitrust
1927    fiction; film Norris, Kathleen; Mary Pickford My Best Girl / “From this puzzle, Maggie was attempting to bring forth some sort of order again...” / R. F. James, illus. fiction / hathitrust
1929    fiction, literary Faulkner, William The Sound and the Fury / two hardware stores here, dark unhappy places as elsewhere in Faulkner fiction
1930    fiction, absurdist/philosophical Durkin, Douglas Mr. Gumble Sits Up / “He had been a hardware merchant, in a quiet way...” fiction / hathitrust
1931    fiction, romance, Evangelical Hill, Grace Livingston The Chance of a Lifetime / Alan must mind his father’s floundering hardware store... “much good is accomplished” fiction
1937    sketch Merrick, Elliott The Lady at the Hardware Store, in The New Yorker (July 10) / flinty lady shopkeeper critical of customer’s choices fiction
1940    poetry (“light” verse) McGinley, Phyllis Please Lock the Hardware Store, or The Temptations of Oliver James, in A Pocketful of Wry poetry
1941    art, illustration Hader, Bert and Elma Little Town / Mrs. Dee and children visit the hardware store. Mrs. Dee buys marigold seeds. Dotty chooses nasturtiums. art
1946    film, plumbing Lubitsch, Ernst; Margery Sharp Cluny Brown / Jennifer Jones & Charles Boyer navigate “the complex plumbing of old estates and bewildered hearts” film
1947    poetry; a vision of hell Auden, W. H. The Age of Anxiety / “Will nightfall bring us / Some awful order — Keep a hardware store / In a small town...” poetry
1947    film Delmar, Viña; Robert Leonard, dir. Cynthia / based on “The Rich, Full Life” (drama, 1946) and “Time of Her Life” (story, 1944) / father is a hardware man film
1950    science fiction; race Bradbury, Ray June 2003: Way in the Middle of the Air / Silly will join Black exodus to Mars, where he’ll open his own hardware store fiction
1951    history; retail genres Clark, Thomas D. The Country Store in American Social History, in Ohio History 60:2 (April 1951) / elegiac in tone, interesting history / link
1954    history; retail genres Carson, Gerald The Old Country Store / in two parts : 1791-1861 and 1861-1921 history
1955    art, stores Johnson, Carol painting of the interior of Wolgast Hardware, in Alta Vista (Wabaunshee County), Kansas art / KSHS
1955    poetry; absence from own life Kees, Weldon (1914-55?) father in hardware biz / “the one book that did appear with his name on the spine was Nonverbal Communication poetry
1959    fiction Robbins, Harold The Dream Merchants / “...right, the hardware business is safer. But the picture business has more opportunity.” wikipedia
1958    history (merchandise mixes) Kelly, Fred C. A Soft Spot for Hardware, in The Rotarian 93:6 (December 1958) / examination of hardware catalogues of late 19c history / link
1964    fiction O’Hara, John The Hardware Man, in The Saturday Evening Post (29 February 1964) / moral tale, conflict between two hardware men fiction
1966    stores (Sudbury, Ontario) Geldart, Winston J. For Want of a Nail : The Story of Cochrane-Dunlop Hardware Ltd. / founder Francis Cochrane (1852-1919) stores
1967 ? poetry Guest, Edward A. Hardware Store Fascination. / “There is something about a hardware store / Which, strangely, I can’t resist...” poetry
1968    art, comic Russ, Johnson Mister Oswald art / external
1969    fiction, juvenile (race) Raymond, Charles Enoch / Enoch Parnell is 12 and white; father operates hardware store in ghetto; helped by Skullcap a Black handyman. fiction
1970    fiction, literary Hoffman, William A Walk to the River / troubled (hardware store owner) father, troubled son; excellent fiction
1970    poetry Mason, Jane; Janine Weins Nichols Hardware Sells... / poem, in honor of deceased hardware store, Lyme, New Hampshire poetry
1972    fiction (politics, absurdist) Tucker, Helen No Need of Glory / proprietor of a hardware store is selected to be Republican Party candidate for governor fiction
1972    fiction, literary Vonnegut, Kurt Who Am I This Time? / clerk in hardware store is socially awkward (needs a script) but thrives on stage fiction / wikipedia
1973    language, women, feminist Adams, Florence I Took A Hammer In My Hand: The Woman’s Build-It and Fix-It Handbook / “...know the name of what you want” language
1973    social philosophy Illich, Ivan (1926-2002) Tools for Conviviality / “...the most autonomous action by means of tools least controlled by others.” tools
1975    language; tools Salaman, R. A. (1906-93) Dictionary of Woodworking Tools c. 1700-1970 and tools of allied trades tools / archive.org
1975    fiction, redemption story Targan, Barry Harry Belten and the Mendelssohn violin concerto / hardware store clerk mortgages house to perform (life’s dream) fiction
1976    television (absurdist humor) Barker, Ronnie (“Gerald Wiley”) Four Candles, a sketch in BBC comedy The Two Ronnies / hilarious sequence of homophonic misunderstandings film / youtube
1976    memoir, sketches Ewing, Evelyn L. The Hardware Store, in Larkspurs & Asparagus / author works in father’s hardware store; episode with a loaded gun history
1976    art; tools Tuttle, Edward F. (curator) The Tool as Object / catalog of exhibit of Anglo-American Hand Tools at the Craft and Folk Art Museum, Los Angeles art
1977    poetry Keesing, Nancy Old Hardware Store, Melbourne / “I do not wish to return to the honest names... But I value verbs...” poetry
1977    art, illustration Crandall, Sandra D. cover art, BYTE (“the small systems journal,” March 1977) / “updated American Gothic” art
1977    fiction (short story; Caribbean) Mouttet, Lesley Love and the Hardware Store / “Mr. Lall — rich with his own hardware store and Ma’s choice for her...” fiction
1977 ? poetry; memoiristic essays Rice, Robert Jefferson (1856-1923) I’m a Hardware Man, in Gems of Thought and Sentiment poetry
1978    fiction, literary (short story) Vaughn, Stephanie Able, Baker, Charlie, Dog / WW2 PTSD father, logistics expert, stabilizes in controlled vocabulary of hardware business fiction
1980    memoir, reminiscences Day, H. Kellogg About Ninety-Seven Years and a Day / once known as Day’s Hardware & Music Store; collections (e.g., 800 key chains) stores
1980    fiction, literary Tyler, Anne Morgan’s Passing / “A tinkering, puttering sort of man, Morgan Gower works at Cullen’s hardware store” (Baltimore) fiction
1982    television Paris, Jerry, dir. There’s no business like no business, episode 220 of Happy Days (1974-1984) / competition from shopping mall film / IMDb
1983    fiction, literary Berger, Thomas Feud / encounters between the Beelers (of Hornbeck) and the Bullards who own a hardware store in Millville fiction
1984    poetry, language Hejinian, Lyn The Guard / “It’s true, I like to go to the hardware store / and browse on detail. So sociable the influence of Vuillard...” poetry
1984    memoir, store history Love, Mary I. The Family Hardware Store, Mirror of a Community / centennial of A. D. Naylor Company (Maryland, West Virginia) stores
1984    history Meadows, Cecil A. The Victorian Ironmonger / apprenticed “in the late 1920s, to one of the last of such ironmongers trading in Norwich” history
1985    craft; tools Inax (sanitaryware maker) 職人 の ミクロコスモス / “The Microworld of the Craftsman : Workplace and Tools” / exhibition catalog art / Lixil
1985    fiction (conduct-of-life form) Moore, Lorrie How, in Self-Help / Begin by meeting him in a class, in a bar, at a rummage sale. Maybe he... Manages a hardware store. fiction
1986    fiction, relationship Hill, Rebecca Among Birches / pair run hardware store; she has the brains & judgement, wants out of the business & the marriage. fiction
1987    language, specialized Bradbury, Ray The Great American “What am I doing here, and why did I buy that?” Hardware Store / HARDWARE SPOKEN HERE history
1987    paeans; language Martin, Guy Nails. Nuts... Bits. Bolts... Hallelujah! All hail the hardware store! in Esquire (June 1987) / photos by Neil Slavin language
1988    fiction, romance Greene, Jennifer Lady of the Island fiction
1988    art, illustration Schmelzer, J. P. pen and ink drawing of store interior for Marti Attoun, “The Nuts and Bolts of Gift Giving” in Ford Times art
1989    art, tools as Hechinger Company Annual Report, images from upcoming Tools As Art exhibition; curated by Carolyn Laray, and essay by Jane Livingston art
1989    fiction, romance Evanovich, Janet Manhunt / Alexandra Scott leaves banking career in NYC, goes to Alaska, buys hardware store; seeks husband. fiction
1989    fiction, gender O’Connor, Kathleen The Way It Happens In Novels / “relief yesterday at walking into a hardware store almost completely staffed by women” fiction
1989    fiction (short story, Texas) Zigal, Thomas Recent Developments / flashback to inadequate hardware store-owner father; compare with Vaughn (1978) fiction
1989    fiction, literary Bradfield, Scott The History of Luminous Motion / Pedro, one of boy’s mother’s partners, reflects on his life owning a hardware store fiction
1990    fiction, mystery Borthwick, J. S. Bodies of Water (a Sarah Deane mystery) / “Actually, my front is a hardware store, but at heart I’m a rolling stone.” fiction
1990    memoir Howlett, Tom A History of Century Old Howlett Hardware Store (Gregory, Michigan) / stores
1990    story, psychoanalytic Weinberg, George Unfinished Symphony, in The Taboo Scarf, and Other Tales / frustrated hardware store owner, music lover language
1990    fiction Wood, Jane Roberts A Place Called Shrub / Texas, Arkansas. personal growth, social observations. hardware store emblematic of decline fiction
1991    art Russell, Bill scratchboard illustration for frontispiece, Stephen King, Needful Things (illustration shows Castle Rock Hardware) art / fiction
1991    television (coming-of-age drama) Topolsky, Ken, dir. The Hardware Store, episode 72 of Wonder Years (1988-1993) / “...stuff on the cutting edge of obsolescence.” film / wiki / IMDb
1992    fiction, literary (magical) Cohen, Jon The Man in the Window / “To a certain kind of person, a hardware store is a holy place.” fiction
1992    fiction, literary Marius, Richard After the War, and An Affair of Honor (2001) / Douglas Kinlaw’s and (later) Tommy Fieldston’s stores / great novels fiction
1992    fiction, romance Randal, Jude (Jude Wilner) Just One of the Guys / “Dana Morgan was more comfortable with a hammer and nails than with a hairbrush.” fiction
1993    fiction, lesbian romance Calhoun, Jackie Friends and Lovers / English professor takes (& enjoys) hardware store job while waiting for teaching position to start. fiction (great blurb!)
1993    fiction, literary Hood, Hugh Be Sure to Close your Eyes / Codrington Hardware figures in this and several other of Hood’s novels fiction
1993    poetry Reut, Tita Vis cachées. Avec deux gravures d’Arman et deux sérigraphies de César / 44 poems, each describing a different tool poetry / wikipedia
1993    fiction; crime, romance Robards, Karen One Summer / Rachel Grant (English teacher, poet) manages her ailing father’s hardware store... fiction
1994    fiction, romance Bell, Ann Contagious Love / “...to save the family hardware store from bankruptcy only to watch it go up in flames” fiction
1994    memoir Ellis, Helen “...later said she had always dreamed of running a hardware store or a bookstore, and the bookstore won out.” stores
1994    fiction Morgan, Speer The Whipping Boy / set in 1894, Oklahoma Territory; story involves a Dekker Hardware and a land-grab scheme fiction
1995    art Hamill, Pete Tools as Art : The Hechinger Collection / great illustrated catalogue; afterword “Artists and Tools” by Carolyn Laray art / link
1996    personal essay, anecdote Gornick, Vivian On the Street, originally The New Yorker (19960909) / woman intimidated by plumbing, hardware store language / google
1996    film (stop-motion animation) Elliot, Adam Uncle / “A few months later he retired, after selling his one millionth nail...” film / youtube
1996    retail, “store image,” nostalgia? Joyce, Mary L. & David R. Lambert Memories of the way stores were and retail store image, in International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management language
1996    poetry Willard, Nancy (1936-2017) A Hardware Store as Proof of the Existence of God, in Swimming Lessons poetry / google
1996 ? language Yutang, Lin (林語堂, 1895-1976) On Shopping / Whenever I pass a stationery or hardware store, it’s all I can do to keep from going in.... language / wikipedia
1997 ? poetry Flanagan, Bob because hardware stores give me hard-ons, because of hammers, nails... / cystic fibrosis poetry
1997    tools Glaser, Milton; S. Abercrombie Work, life, tools : The things we use to do the things we do... / (50) people and their favorite tools tools
1997    fiction, literary Inman, Robert Dairy Queen Days / Trout Moseley has three job offers in one day: the family mill, hardware store, Dairy Queen. fiction
1997 ? poetry Neruda, Pablo Prologues: The House of Odes / “...I want everthing / to have / a handle, / that all be / a cup or tool” poetry
1997    fiction, romance, disability Smith, Karen Rose Kit and Kisses / male protagonist cares for a “special needs” sister fiction
1997    memoir, anecdotal; women Stern, Jane Hardware Store Doppelgänger, The Paris Review / only in hardware store is author mistaken for (famous) others history / direct
1998    fiction, science fiction Di Filippo, Paul Lost Pages / Parallel world stories, e.g., Phil(ip K) Dick works at Ronstadt’s True-Value Hardware Store fiction
1998    fiction (unsolved murder) McColley, Kevin Praying to a Laughing God / “Both the town and the way of life Clark has known for the past 70 years are dying...” fiction / recent
1998    fiction Meyers, Kent The River Warren / Rashomon-like accounts by seven characters, including Angel Finn, hardware store owner fiction
1999    fiction, literary Burnard, Bonnie A Good House / Canadian WW2 vet, missing fingers, returns to wife, children and hardware store; life happens. fiction / summary
1999    memoir, anecdotes Everitt, Charles My Hardware Store: A Memoir of Years Spent in His Family’s Store in Concordia, Ks, “as told to Thelma Workman” stores
1999    fiction, literary McMurtry, Larry Duane’s Depressed / “...a good psychiatrist. She can figure out what kinds of things ought to sit next to one another...” fiction / google books
1999    language, philosophy, tools Morabito, Fabio Toolbox / philosophical essays on file & sandpaper, sponge oil pipe knife string bag screw scissors spring rag hammer amazon / wikipedia
2000    fiction, romance Carroll, Marisa Last-Minute Marriage / hardware store owner “Mitch Sterling has a lot on his plate...” fiction
2000    fiction, romance, feminist Thompson, Jean Up-Hill All the Way / set in 1950, thoughtful widow runs store successfully, observes others, seeks to avoid “drift” fiction
2001    fiction, romance, disability Anderson, Catherine Phantom Waltz / female protagonist is paraplegic fiction
2001    poetry; nails Scattergood, Amy The Grammar of Nails / “You hammer the stars into place, watch as they drop, shatter against the consonants of cities ” poetry
2003    tools, profiles of The Believer series on tools, actual and fanciful, by various literary writers (ran 2003-04, 2008) tools
2004    fiction, “Ages 12+” Butcher, Kristin Zee’s Way / Zee (artistically talented) paints graffiti on the wall of Feniuk Hardware; later paints a door... fiction
2004    memoir Chown, Frank Chown Hardware : Memoir of a Family Business : Portland, Ore. (and Bellevue and Seattle, Wash.); founded 1879 stores
2004    poetry Follain, Jean Quincaillerie / “till everyone has got enough, / great nails, in flames.” poetry
2004    poetry; nails; ubi sunt Hamby, Barbara Ode to Hardware Stores / “If there’s a second coming, / I want angels... gathered / around a bin of nails” poetry
2004    poetry Kasischke, Laura Hardware Store in a Town Without Men / “...wrenches, gleaming, / and no reason / to lock the door. / No door.” poetry
2005    fiction, speculative Gardner, James Allen Hardware Scenario G-49 / (in Gravity Wells collection), from Amazing Stories (1991) / holodeck hardware store... fiction
2005    fiction, romance, Christian Jeffers, Sunni The Start of Something Big / traditional store achieves equilibrium with big-box DIY, thanks to Jane and her faith fiction
2005    fiction (Providence, RI) Pezzelli, Peter Every Sunday / “Nick wasn’t much for personal relationships... He was a hardware man.” / narrated after death. fiction
2005    poetry Story, Julia Pretend Hardware Store / “Somewhere in the darkness / is someone sorting. Sort of piling / or maybe sort of stacking.” poetry
2005    fiction, clutter Turner, Harry Retail Romance, in Urban Legends / guy with “crippling shyness” amasses hardware in non-relationship with clerk poetry
2006    fiction, apocalypse Brannon, Jason Winds of Change / hardware store a refuge / “ark” from cataclysm outside, people turning to dust; speaking in tongues fiction
2006    fiction, romance, disability Jacobs, Anna The Corrigan Legacy / ME/chronic fatigue syndrome fiction
2006    fiction, romance Galloway, Shelley Finding Love Again / she returns to small town, where he runs the hardware store. fiction
2006    television Simon, David and Ed Burns Boys of Summer at The Wire (Season four, ep. 38) / Snoop buys a Hilti DX460 (from sales associate Paul L. Nolan) film / youtube
2007    poetry Lawson, Valerie Hardware Store / “...saw horse brackets, and a two ton floor jack. / I don’t need these things every day, but I might.”poetry
2007    poetry Limón, Ada After her Husband Left Her, She Went to Work at the Hardware Store / and others, in this big fake worldpoetry
2007    fiction (Toronto, Jewish milieu) Rakoff, Alvin Baldwin Street / “Our store was called Abelson’s Hardware. Not a good name. A misnomer. Wrong.” / 1920s-30sfiction
2007    art, participation; tools; memory Šedá, Kateřina It Doesn’t Matter / What’s That For? / grandmother (who worked entire life in hardware store) draws and remembers art
2007    paeans Wilde, Barbara Why I love my quincaillerie / once at L’Atelier Vert / Paris Postcard stores / wayback
2008    poetry (on writing poetry) Barnett, Catherine A Brief Poetics of the Hinge / looking for “...the kind of hinge I think of when I write, revise and read poems”poetry
2008    fiction (humorous sketches) Crick, Mark Sartre’s Sink : The Great Writer’s Complete Book of DIY / e.g., Bleeding a Radiator with Emily Brontefiction
2008 ? poetry Kociemba, Alice Death of Teaticket Hardware / “Boarded up windows stare like a zombie / whose soul’s been stolen by Wal-Mart.”poetry
2008 ? poetry Jones, Vivien Hardware Shop / “that used to sell nails / in ones and twos / and had a cat that dozed / in a curl on a cardboard box...”poetry
2008 ? art, tools, philosophy Lewandowski, Simon 100 Things with Handles / absurdist handled devices : indexicality or directionality; indicate a thing’s Platonic status...wild pansy press
2008    fiction, literary (Chekhovian) Strout, Elizabeth Olive Kitteridge / “Starving” is hardware store chapter, and signals spiritual situation of Harmon, its owner fiction
2009    poetry Curdy, Averill Hardware, in Poetry (June 2009) / “You lean disconsolate on your stool, / Sullen and certain”poetry
2009    fiction Legans, B. C. Cerro / could be Jemez Pueblo, N. M. interesting characters, attention to detail. Cerro Hardware Store matters.fiction
2009    fiction, mystery Noel, Bill Washout (A Folly Beach Mystery) / “The ‘hardware store bloodbath’ was the topic of the morning at the Lost Dog Cafe.”fiction
2009    fiction, romance, Christian Pleiter, Allie Bluegrass Courtship / “‘You don’t see too many female owners in the hardware business,’ he offered...”fiction
2009    fiction (literary; epistolary) Savage, Sam The Cry of the Sloth / Dahlberg Flint, “who told those tough little stories about his life as a hardware store clerk?”fiction
2009    art Thurner, Sherry Ace Hardware (Janesville, Wisconsin). / 12 x 12 inches, acrylic on canvas boardart / link
2009    poetry (memoiristic) Troost Avenue (pseudonym) Hardware Store / 23 5-line stanzas. Descriptive, about the shelves and what was on them, in boxespoetry
2010 ? poetry; gender; smell anonymous I like the man-smell of a hardware store / on a sign, Moody’s Hardware Store... Montgomery, Alabamapoetry
2010    fiction, mystery Block, (Brett) Ellen The Language of Sand / lexicographer fiction
2010    fiction, literary Greene, Amy Bloodroot / too rich to quote. great novel. fiction
2010    fiction, romance (Australia) Mayberry, Sarah Her Best Friend (Harlequin Super Romance 1626) / works in her parents’ hardware store... dreams of owning a theatre fiction
2010    fiction, literary Norton, Katie A Buddhish [sic] Monk at Home Depot / “Right in front of your wife, I drank you in... You don’t want me.” fiction / wayback
2011    fiction, “small-town” romance Cornelison, Beth Trust in Me / eBook only / Kevin manages store, Claire a Duke graduate in English, applies for job... fiction
2011    fiction (women’s history) Edwards, Kim The Lake of Dreams / hardware business (founded in 1919) falls out of family; discovery of suffragette history fiction / overview
2011    fiction, erotic James, E. L. Fifty Shades of Grey / unlikely that a PhD candidate would be working at HomeDepot-like Clayton’s; but whatever. fiction
2011    fiction (child witnesses; murder) Morris, Mary McGarry Light from a Distant Star / Benjamin Peck of Peck Hardware, “an impractical man caught in the most practical of lives” fiction
2011    art (photography, store interior) Opie, Catherine Bravo / portrait of store keeper, behind counter; pipe fixtures, tools, examples on display art
2012    poetry (gender, identity) Barton, Elo (now Ebo) Hardware Store / “I’m at the hardware store. / and I know that I am not supposed to be here...”poetry
2013    fiction (self-published romance) Wilder, Beverly That November Weekend / Kelly (22, student, works at bakery), Mark (24, opening hardware store), bond. unreadable. amazon
2014    fiction (self-published) Danker-Dake, Joshua the retail : a novel / “...with an English degree, he can’t find a job anywhere except at the local big-box hardware store.” fiction
2015    language; genre Frow, John Genre / “Other shops have a much less clearly defined core... Some shops are more miscellaneous still...”language
2015    art (pataphysical?) Neidhardt, Jim Nuts & Bolts : Fifteen Clues to Lifeart
2015    history; stores Olson, Walter H. Old-Fashioned Hardware Stores : Descriptions, stores and advicehistory
2016    film Tanada, Yuki (dir) お父さんと伊藤さん (My Dad and Mr. Ito) / great hardware store moment (nuts and bolts section) at 0:37 (youtube) wikipedia / IMDb
2017    essay, grief Geier, Elisabeth Pedestrian, subtitled “The Nostalgia of the Neighborhood Hardware Store” / visit to hardware store, post breakup language
2017    fiction, romance (1st of 10 vols) Lageschulte, Melanie Growing Season / Melinda Foster returns to home town (& family hardware store) from success in big-city ad agency... amazon
2017    fiction, “psychological” Van De Yacht, Bernie A Man Walks Into A Hardware Store / “free-spirited beauty... as tough as the nails she sells out of her family business” fiction / amazon
2018    history, language, materiality etc. Mattern, Shannon Community Plumbing : How the hardware store orders things, neighborhoods, and material worlds history / Places Jrnl
2019    memoir Katz, Jeff Once Upon a Time in West Hollywood : L. A. Through the Lens of a Teenager in the 70’s / store in East L.A. (pp 61-74) amazon / instagram
2019    fiction, romance Ashley, Jennifer; Ray Riding Hard no. 7; “Drew Paresky runs smack into [Ray Malory] at the hardware store where she’s buying supplies...” amazon; author
2020    fiction Karla, A. K. (B. A. Cibulskas) Mr Gupta’s Hardware Store / “a migrant’s tale, set in 70s suburban London...” author bio / publisher
2021    fiction (southern noir, crime) Cosby, SA “I was working 60 hours a week as a manager at a hardware store. Now I’m writing full time.” fiction / interview
2021    fiction, romance; Australia Scott, Eva; Meet Me in Bendigo “Annalisa Cappelli has returned to Wongilly to take over her family’s hardware shop while she heals from a tragic loss...” source (preview)
2021    fiction, romance, Christian Spencer, Julie L. The Refusal / Mormon her, Mennonite him... amazon
2021    fiction, romance (gay) Parrish, Roan Best Laid Plans / Charlie takes care of things brother, father’s hardware store; now, Rye Janssen comes into his life author / book
2022    fiction Barker, Ellen East of Troost / “...promising, both for my own convenience and for what I imagine it says about the neighborhood.” fiction / author
2022    fiction Otsuka, Julie; The Swimmers “‘Do we need further proof that our planet is bursting at the seams?’” asks Ace Hardware store owner Bob Esposito” source
2022    fiction, romance, paranormal Roberts, Wendy Burning Hope / Red Hooper learns to master her gift of pyromancy; finds ally in Noah Adams, hardware store owner amazon / author
2023    stores; history Fort, Tom Rivets, Trivets & Galvanized Buckets : life in the village hardware shop / fine book, including index and bibliography stores
2023    memoir, store history Nies, Ray (Holland MI; 1877-1950) Village Talk : A Country Merchant’s Memoir and Folk History / Michael J. Douma and Robert P. Swierenga, eds. informative review
2023    fiction, romance Grace, Alanna 183 Reasons : “...Jackson Christianson... while she loads the bed of her truck in the lot of the local hardware store” author’s website
2024    fiction Barker, Ellen Still Needs Work / “I’m all about data management. Data management in a Midtown Hardware cap.” author’s website

June-July 2023 —
this and other pages within this hardware literature project are in midst of renovation : format/navigation made consistent, “link rot” attended to, items (new and old) added.

30 June 2024